Fruit processing equipment & lines
Our technological cycle is designed to preserve the organoleptic qualities, color, and aroma of fresh fruit.
Our machines process any type of fruit, continental and tropical, into finished and semi-finished products, including:
Our machines process any type of fruit, continental and tropical, into finished and semi-finished products, including:
- natural or concentrated puree;
- juice with natural pulp or paste;
- concentrated clear juice.

Jams and marmalades
Faster processing times. Less "stressed" products. Superior organoleptic qualities. The power of automation at the service of the fruit industry.
Candied fruit
We create complete lines for fruit candying with an "open" or a vacuum process, to transform raw material, with higher-than-average yields.

How fruit processing lines work
Step 1: Receiving, washing, and sorting
The stage of receiving, washing, and sorting of raw material is very similar for the different types of fruit.
Step 2: Shredding, inactivation, and refining
Next, the chopping phase, or stoning, inactivation, and refining. The process does not always follow this order. For example, for apples, sometimes refining is done first in a controlled environment, to limit oxidation of the product.
Step 2: Shredding, inactivation, and refining
A different process takes place to produce clear juice: For the squeezing phase, presses are used to obtain less pulpy juices, at the cost of a lower yield, suitable for the following phase of precipitation and ultrafiltration.
For citrus fruits, we collaborate with leading companies in the sector for the process of pressing, and separation of essential oils.
For citrus fruits, we collaborate with leading companies in the sector for the process of pressing, and separation of essential oils.
Step 3: Concentration
The subsequent concentration phase takes place in the evaporators. The choice of evaporator is fundamental to guarantee the quality of the product and economy of the process.
For this reason, we create multiple-effect evaporators, with forced circulation and falling film, also with thermal re-compression (TVR) or mechanical re-compression (MVR).
For more delicate products, we offer turbulent, thin-layer evaporators.
Step 4: Packaging
Like almost all semi-finished products, the product is packaged aseptically. Also, in this field we can count on the experience of hundreds of installations.
The strengths of our fruit processing lines?
- Preserve the organoleptic qualities of products.
- Increase yield in terms of waste.
- Increase yield in terms of energy consumption and water used.
- Automatic plant cleaning with CIP (Clean in Place) system.
- Easy to use: The touch panel, software, and settable parameters allow management of several recipes, to optimize yield for the various products, washing times, and product change over.
Interested in fruit processing lines?
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